Community Garden and Orchard
The Warwick Community Garden was started in March of 2010 at the Warwick Community Center and was more than doubled in size the following year. By 2013, a drip irrigation system was added. It is a true community garden in the sense that there are no individual plots – and it is totally organic. The membership decides what to plant, provides the necessary manpower – usually an hour a week – and shares in the harvest. Any extra produce is donated to the Ecumenical Food Pantry.
The Warwick Community Orchard, next to the Community Garden, was awarded to the Village of Warwick as part of a national competition in 2011. More than 26,000 people, mostly Warwick residents, voted for our orchard. It consists of 42 trees – apricots, Asian pears, cherries, pawpaws. pears, peaches and plums. There is a volunteer Orchard Brigade that cares for the trees.
Membership Information – Membership is $35.00/year which includes both the garden and orchard. That’s tomatoes and peaches! Send us an email and we will get back to you with the details. Jack McDevitt and Geoff Howard
Planting of the ceremonial first tree in the Orchard Sept 3, 2011
The newly planted Orchard on Sept 10 2011
Happy harvest - friendships also grow here.
FFA (Future Farmers of America) students from WVHS help get the Garden started in 2010.
The Grand Opening of the Garden in July 2010
The Garden is a teaching Garden
A particularly evocative sweet potato!
Photos provided by Geoff Howard